Walking the Labyrinth

An exclusively tailored and deeply held one-to-one journey

If you are in peri-menopause or beyond you know that this is a time of reckoning. I invite you to navigate this initiation consciously, with support and in sisterhood.  Join me as an exclusive one-to-one client on this deeply held journey to the very heart of your being – and back. 

Claim back your power

How long have you been presenting an edited version of yourself to the world, hiding the “unacceptable” parts of you to gain acceptance and love? All the parts that have been deemed “too much” by others. At midlife the cost of this hiding takes its toll – your body starts to moan then to cry out in pain in an attempt to call you home. Your energy becomes blocked – fatigue and exhaustion lurk in the doorway as a divine intervention to call you home to yourself.

If we let her, Menopause peels back all the layers of who we think we should be to reveal the diamond of who we really are beneath. She re-unites us with the magical child within and returns us to our true nature.  And in our society, this process is a roller coaster ride.

For even as we hear the call to our menopause caves we continue to live in a man’s world, a world where the body’s calls are seen as weaknesses to be sorted out, not wisdom to be heard and held. We believe in a linear model where we have to “get somewhere”. Where being busy is seen as successful and important. Where emotions are rarely welcomed. Where women’s cycles – the key to our wholeness and power – are suppressed by chemicals, rarely spoken of and seen as an inconvenience in our attempts to remain in “go” mode the entire time.

Midlife is a time of awakening but it’s so hard to break through all this conditioning alone. We have all been burned in the past from being the one who dares to be different.  Trust your instincts and allow me to guide you to the Feminine path that awaits, one that is uniquely yours. It’s time to stop suppressing yourself for others and embrace the fullness of your authentic self.

Walking the Labyrinth will change your life…

Join me on this individual and deeply held journey to see for yourself that life is cyclical, not linear. Learn to journey to the heart of the labyrinth deep in your inner world and bring the wisdom back into your outer world over and over again until it becomes second nature.
Unlock the mysteries of your menopause journey with me as your personal champion and guide. Claim those parts of you that have been labelled too much and uncover the shining gifts they have for your life and for the world. Choose to live YOUR VERSION of your greatest, most magnificent life. I will hold you throughout our time together as the highest version of yourself. I will challenge you to live from that place every day, with every interaction. I will teach you how to hold your own pain, fear and resistance without being consumed by it. I will show you how to keep coming back to your centre, your wisdom, your Divinity. You are loved, just as you are. The whole Universe is conspiring to support you. Is it time to say yes?
I believe that everything you have ever been told you are too much of are actually your greatest gifts. By owning these parts as they are revealed through our Menopause unravelling we begin to find our calling. We become someone who can be of great service to others. We become the women who are healing the world. We have to be whole to do this work. We have to embrace our darkest shadows and claim her gifts. As we do we find our centre, our truth more and more. We move beyond the chatter of the mind into a place where we are guided by our feelings, our gut sense and our intuition. We dance with the Wise Woman and the Crone and remember why we’re here. We know with absolute certainty who we are and what we need in any given moment. We come home to ourselves, to connection, truth and love. We reclaim our Wild nature. We are free.

Walking the Labyrinth is an exclusive program

I hold you energetically as the highest version of yourself for the entire duration of our time together. When I do this for someone miracles happen, life shifts on its axis. Your life lights up from the inside out. As your consciousness rises to this new frequency, life illuminates all the places where you are not living in alignment with your truth. Together we hold whatever arises until it creates transformation. This is a process of alchemy in action. Sign up if you want to allow Menopause to initiate you into a more authentic life, if you’re prepared to be courageous and loving and kind to yourself. If you are willing to be challenged and tested both by me and by the Universe working through everyone and everything that crosses your path. This is not a journey for the faint hearted but I guarantee that it will transform your life. Are you ready?

Take my hand and walk with me into the heart of your being…

If you choose to walk the labyrinth path with me you will be one of only two one-to-one clients I work with in this way at any time to ensure that I can fully hold you as the highest version of yourself.  Energetically this is gold-dust. Prepare to be amazed at the effect this alone has in your life. 

Together we will tailor-make the support you receive.  We will meet regularly for intimate and personal one-to-one sessions in a dedicated Sacred Space at my home near Totnes. Here we will create a safe, strong container filled with compassion, magic and connection. I will ensure that you are embedding your experiences into a grounded reality as you transform that which is holding you back and connect more and more deeply with your True Self. Together with the alchemy of Menopause herself you will re-discover your significant place in this vast universe as you move towards your years as an Elder.

In between our face-to-face meetings the connection between us will remain strong and flowing.  You will receive as much or as little email support as you need as part of your bespoke package.  This is focused on you taking a proactive role in your menopausal awakening and my continuing to hold, support and challenge you to be the highest, fullest, most real version of yourself every day.

 Lut came to me deep in her menopausal transition when everything was shifting on it’s axis and the clear sight that this initiation brings was illuminating all the relationships where she was hiding her light.  Together we held her sadness, anger, grief and rage as well as welcoming back a deep sense of divine connection.  This is what she had to say of the process:

“I am so pleased I listened to my inner voice to contact Jane after reading her beautiful website. She was exactly the right woman to help me through the trauma I was experiencing at that time. From the very first moment in the free telephone call I felt safe to open myself up and once there to dive deep. 

The magic already starts by entering her sacred space. No explanation is required.

During my whole process through Walking the Labyrinth I felt held, not only in the sessions but also the time in between with Jane tuning in, giving exercises, guidance, support….

Once again I experienced that energy work goes far beyond just talking. I am so grateful to this wonderful healer for guiding me through a deep healing process that will stay with me as I move into the next phase of my life as a woman.”

Lut Dierckx

Lut's Place

Walking the Labyrinth is for you if:

  • You want to be deeply held as you rise to the initiatory challenge of menopause and explore the depths of your being in a safe, creative way
  • You are ready to create lasting change in your life, to fully ground your spiritual growth into a living reality
  • You want to enjoy a deep and personal connection with me, not just when we are face to face but throughout the time we take this journey together
  • You are ready to journey to the heart of the labyrinth, to face your demons and find within them the gifts you have to offer the world
  • You want to step into the second half of your life in your power as a fully expressed woman
  • You want to experience personal ceremony and ritual; harnessing transformation and magic with expert guidance
  • You want to own your story, live your life and transform your pain into healing and service
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”

Maya Angelou

Your Investment

This work is magical, it is life changing. It is a deep commitment from me to be of service to your soul as it awakens into Elderhood. It also asks for that commitment from you, to stay the course, to speak your truth and to own your process of awakening. It requires an investment of both our time and energy. I am deeply honoured to provide these with and for you as soon as you are called to do so for yourself.

Your financial investment for Walking the Labyrinth with me as your personal guide and trusted companion is £600-£1,000 per month for a minimum 3 months. The level of support and holding we agree you need will determine the price you pay.  This is all completely transparent from the moment you complete your free Clarity Call with me.  

 I want you to remember that abundance is our birthright. The Universe provides when you take the leap towards the path of your soul. If you are meant to join me on this programme then this is what your soul came here to experience. This is what Menopause is awakening in you. You will know that in your womb and in your heart. The deal is that the Universe takes care of your needs as you follow your calling – as long as you allow her to. 

Embrace yourself as a whole, wise, wild woman. Invest in living the second half of your life as your brightest, most magnificent self

Walking the Labyrinth is offered to women throughout the year.
Listen to your heart. She knows the way.