Jane Loves …

Jane Loves …

Some of those things that keep me more fully alive and full of joy

  • My husband, my children and Patch our Springer Spaniel. Three of them push my buttons and one gives me comfort and solace when they do! Can you guess which one?!
  • Prioritising balance in my life so that my days include lying on the floor for a “yoga” break and time to contemplate nature as a necessity, not a luxury; as Menopause demands that I balance my own needs with a family and a calling
  • Catching up with good friends for a long walk, a natter and a slice of (gluten free!) cake
  • Letting myself slow down and acknowledge that I am in a different phase of life now and that my energy is not what it was, nor would I want it to be!
  • Sticking to my daily meditation practice whenever I can and being gentle with myself when (inevitably!) I don’t stick to it. Letting myself be held, guided and inspired to do what I need – even when the girls disapprove (chanting!) or my Inner Critic goes berserk (lying on the floor in a blanket on a new moon and experiencing complete bliss)
  • Lots of hugs from my husband and two beautiful girls, friends, clients, dance partners – even strangers!
  • Peace and solitude in my beautiful garden and the deep pleasure of living and working in the wonderful Devon countryside
  • Jumping up and down in muddy puddles, playing with waves, dancing with trees and sacred silliness in general!

Meet Jane

My Inspiration

The Official Version