Midwife of the Soul

Creating a safe, sacred space for awakening women to unleash their midlife magic

Awaken your Inner Goddess & Unleash your Magic!

Welcome! I am delighted that you have chosen to take part in this sacred ritual to awaken your inner goddess and unleash your magic.

We all have a Goddess inside of us, a wise voice that speaks her truth and knows who we came here to be, what we need in any given moment. A Goddess who includes every aspect of ourselves, who is our true nature, unjudged, unapologetic, wild and free.

All my work with women tunes into this wise Goddess inside, our True Self. From this place anything is possible and everything is just as it should be. This ritual is a way for you to welcome Her more fully into your life. You can do it at home or out in nature whenever you feel is the right time for you. By establishing and maintaining a connection with your True Self your life will transform in ways you could not even imagine. It takes trust, courage and buckets of self-love but once you’ve found her She will be your gateway to the life that supports you and lights you up. It’s like magic!

I am so excited to be part of re-awakening this innate wisdom that is your birth-right.

Step 1 – Preparation & Planning for your Ritual

First, watch the video so that your experience is as wonderful as it can be.

First things first – prepare with care
Ritual preparation

This is a date with the Divine. Preparation is everything. Treat the ritual you are going to create as sacred and it will gain immense power. Attention and intention are everything.

Imagine your dream date were coming to dinner, how much love and care you would put into the preparations, into making everything just so.

Do the same for your ritual and notice how powerful it becomes. This is a tool for transformation and alchemy. Treat it with the love and respect it deserves and then watch the magic roll into your life!

The way I work with you is as a guide, not a teacher. You are the authority on your own experience. As you prepare for this ritual and guide yourself through it, trust your instincts and your intuition. Follow your heart and do what feels right and sacred for you. There is no right or wrong. Enjoy the process 

Choose a date mindfully
  • Practically, set time aside when you can guarantee you won’t be disturbed. Put it in your diary. This is a date between you and the Divine. It’s magical. Plan, don’t rush. The perfect date will reveal itself. Smile at your impatience if it’s further in the future than you might like!
  • Think about where you are in your menstrual cycle if you still have one. When would you like to have this communion? Perhaps when you’re in your inner Autumn and your deeper, unconscious needs and desires are coming to the fore? Perhaps in Winter when you can surrender deeply to the love of the Divine Feminine? Again, take time to plan and to treat this as sacred. Feel into what you would feel most nurtured by.
  • If you like to work with the moon consult the lunar calendar; choose the dark moon for intentions and new beginnings, the full moon for illuminating what is unconscious.
  • If you like to work with the wheel of the year, check the dates of the Celtic calendar and use the energy of the season to amplify the power of your ritual or to help you to choose a focus.
  • Otherwise, just follow your intuition and allow a date to jump out of your diary at you!
Prepare yourself and your space with love
  • Prepare both yourself and your space for your ritual. This stage is just as sacred as the ritual itself.
  • Choose where you want it to take place – indoors or outdoors? Do you want to be able to burn things? Perhaps a fire or a candle? Where do you like to sit? Will you be able to keep warm and dry?
  • Look at the space with a critical eye. Would you bring a loved one here? How does it feel? Clear the space of clutter, clean it till it shines, open the windows and ask any energies you no longer need to leave, take the opportunity to have a good clear out. Do this with intention – you are clearing space in your life to allow something new to enter. Notice how you feel lighter as you go about these preparations. The magic is already beginning!
  • Choose your own clothing with care. What makes you feel empowered? What represents the sacred? I have a burgundy velvet shawl that I put on whenever I create sacred space and that immediately tunes me into the love of the Goddess. If you don’t yet have something like that choose something from your wardrobe or set the intention to find the perfect item – just as you would for the outfit for that dinner date!
  • Set your intention for your ritual. Make it really clear and meaningful for you.
Be open and alert …

Everything is information. If your attention is drawn to something between the planning and your date night, notice it. You may come across something in nature that might be perfect for your altar. You may hear a song or a piece of music that transports you and that you might like to play. Start to gather the elements together. There is no right or wrong. You are unique and so will be each and every ritual or ceremony that you create.

Step 2 – Tune in & listen to your feminine wisdom

I believe that it is really important that we as awakening women allow our spiritual practice to flow with our cycle. It makes it so much easier to welcome the wisdom of the Goddess into our lives! 

The video will give you an overview of the inner seasons of your cycle and how you can work with them to create real magic and transformation!

Jane Kelly ritual

Work with your menstrual cycle. Notice where you are in terms of your inner seasons. Each phase has it’s own perfect ways for accessing the Divine so go with your own natural rhythm. If you don’t have a cycle, use the Moon phases instead. Remember that you are the authority on your own experience. If the calendar tells you that you “should” be in Autumn but you have no words and no desire to do anything then you are in Winter even if you haven’t yet started to bleed!

Your Inner Seasons

Your energy and head-energy are on the rise. Create your sacred space and then tune in to the new shoots that are bursting forth from you. Capture all your ideas with mind maps or lists and lots of pretty colours. Allow your creativity to flow. This is the maiden aspect of the Goddess – youthful, strong, independent, dynamic. Get to know her better. Are you honouring her needs?


The high point of the cycle. The full tide, the full moon. The Mother aspect of the Goddess, nurturing, full of love and care for others, wanting to reach out, connect. At this point in your cycle you might want to make this a “double date” and share your ritual with others. Feel free to invite your friends to join you!


Energy begins to decline and comes in bursts of activity, often with others of exhaustion. You are transitioning to the inner realms of your being. Your own needs show up loudly as a short temper, less tolerance. Often the most difficult part of the cycle in our culture, this aspect of the Goddess is pure Gold on your spiritual journey. You become aware of where your life is out of balance or alignment with your truth. The inner critic shows up in your head and lays into you, your partner, anyone and anything she can get her hands on. She’s fiery and does not like being silenced or ignored. LISTEN. Tune into her wisdom. Make part of your ritual dance if your energy is high and be prepared to lie down and do nothing if it is low. Listen deeply to your body. Give yourself what you need.


The low point of the cycle when energy and stamina are at rock bottom and intuition and the ability to access your inner wisdom are at their peak. This is when historically women were seen as seers, as portals for the Divine. The key here is surrender. Make your ritual as nurturing as you can. Build a nest of blankets and cushions. Delight the senses with textures, beautiful smells, wonderful music. At this point in the cycle the less effort you make the better the results. Give yourself exactly what you would like. Lie down and let the wisdom flow. Don’t expect detail, you may find it feels very certain and very unclear at the same time. This insight is pure gold. Capture it through art if you would like, or just trust that this deep knowing will reveal itself in more detail as you step towards Spring. Enter full and deep communion with the Divine. The more you rest and surrender the more magical the experience.

Step 3 – Creating Safe Sacred Space

Creating sacred space is at the heart of everything I do. It’s simple and can be done anywhere but is a bit of a forgotten art. My wish is that this video and content will speak to that part of you that remembers this on a deep level. Enjoy!

For me there are six steps to creating a magical sacred space. Watch the video and read below to find out more:

1. Cleanse the space

We’ve already talked about clearing the physical space in step 1, preparation, but it is equally important to cleanse the space energetically and with an intention to create sacred space. I like to use sage and smudge the room with a feather, wafting the smoke into the space and using my intuition to find and then move any energy that feels stuck.

You may also like to open a window and ask any stuck or negative energy to leave the room as you do this.

Follow your instincts. You will know when the room feels cleansed and ready for your ritual to take place.

Burning sage
2. Dress with care and attention

Find that shawl that makes you feel like a goddess or that special item of clothing that you always feel really good in.

Choose something that expresses who you are as a magical, creative being.

3. Create a beautiful altar

The altar can be as individual as you are. I like to use the 5 elements, choosing something that is meaningful to me in each quadrant with Earth in the North, Air in the East, Fire in the South, Water in the West and Spirit at the Centre. You might be an old hand at this but if not here are some ideas:

  • Earth – crystals, stones, plants, bark
  • Air – incense, feathers
  • Water – a bowl of water, a glass of something you could drink at the end, a picture of a lake or sea or river…
  • Fire – a candle, a picture of the sun or a fire
  • Spirit at the Centre – whatever is symbolic to you. I like to use a beautiful empty bowl. You might choose a saint or guru or an image/statue of a Goddess, Christ or Buddha…

The possibilities are endless. The only thing that is important is that this altar has meaning for you and that you have prepared it with the loving care and attention that this date with the Divine deserves.

Please share any photos of your altar with me on Instagram or Facebook, I would love to see what you’ve created. Use the hashtag #myspacemyaltar.

altar for ritual
4. Call in the Elements

This really helps to create a sacred space and to allow you to feel safe and held.

Using the 5 elements from above of Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Spirit, call each one in turn. “Earth in the North, Welcome” and then do whatever feels appropriate for you to tune into the earth. You could simply repeat the word “earth”. You could stamp your feet. You could say silently or out loud all the things you are grateful to the Earth for. Do what’s right for you. Be playful and curious. Then repeat a similar process for Air, Water, Fire and finally Spirit. Notice which ones feel easy for you to connect with and which are more challenging.

New to working the feminine way? Then booking on 

Seasons of the Feminine Cycles of the Earth

is a perfect starting point. Save you spot here

5. Energy of the group

If this is your first ritual you may well be alone, but if that summer energy of your cycle got the better of you and you’ve invited friends to join you, so much the better!

This step helps the energy of the group to join and become harmonious.

As a group the connection to the divine often comes more easily. Experiment to see if that is your experience. Some of my most intense meditation experiences have been with a group so for me it makes everything more powerful, as if we are literally opening up the airwaves!

Sound is a wonderful way to do this, whether it be drumming, chanting or simple toning. But it can be silent too – holding hands, breathing deep and acknowledging each other and the group works beautifully too. Be playful and experiment with a group of friends. Who knows what you might discover about yourselves and each other!

Step 4 – Dive into the Divine

You’ve made it! You’re here. I hope you have pulled out all my suggestions that feel wonderful to you and thrown away the rest. This is your date with your divinity. It’s time to tune into that inner Goddess and hear her wisdom.

“God Dwells Within You as You”

Have a notebook close by to capture anything that feels meaningful after your experience, even if you don’t yet understand it.

Our True Self speaks to us in many ways – feelings, colours, words, pictures, sensations, smells. If it feels relevant but you don’t know why, trust your intuition. If you receive clear guidance, capture it and share it with someone you love so that they can help you to follow it.

Accountability is one of the things that helps transformation happen in the day-to-day as well as during the ritual itself!

Make yourself comfortable in your sacred space, sit back and listen to the audio to enjoy your Date with the Divine
Step 5 – Completion

When you have been deep into your soul then it’s important to make sure you come back! I guide you through this on the audio, but always ensure that you come back to earth, feel the ground, notice the room around you and breathe consciously to ensure you are fully back in your body. Then repeat the process for the 5 elements from step 3 Creating Sacred Space but thanking each one in turn rather than welcoming them.

Give yourself time. Don’t rush off into the next part of your day. Give yourself the gift of staying with yourself fully and saying a tender goodbye to your inner Goddess. Then go and plan your second date!

Share your experiences with me on Facebook 

Make sure you stay hydrated and take good care of your needs as you integrate the wisdom you have received into your physical body and into your life. This creates long lasting magic and transformation!